Couple and sexual therapy
We learn many things in school, but not how to lead a partnership and live a healthy sexuality. We are also taught very little, if anything, about sexuality.
We often live shaped by the example of our parents or pornography or what we hear from others.
Let's dive deeper into these topics together and learn and experience what it means to live a healthy, balanced and fulfilling partnership and sexuality.
Sex therapy - as a couple or in an individual session
Out of shame, ignorance or misconceptions. My school education consisted of a short film. The class was uncomfortable, the teacher too.
Also, it is still often a taboo subject among the closest friends. Who talks openly about his sexuality, his desires, his fantasies? What is considered "normal"? What is allowed? What should one do?
It is important to talk about these topics. Couples or individual therapy can help you to get to know each other better, both as a couple and alone. In all areas, including sexuality.
I dealt with the topic of sexuality early on because I always knew that what we hear in our circle of friends, what we see in the media, can't be everything. Sexuality is complex and needs to be learned, like many other things. That's how I came to Tantra, among other things. Tantra has nothing to do with the Kamasutra or with polygamy as many think. It is a mindful and holistic sexuality.
I base this work on my various courses, experiences, classes and self-experiences through Diana and Michael Richardson, Dr. David Schnarch, Ulrich Clement and many other great teachers.

Isabelle Juliane Tellenbach
Holistic health practice
Location Zürich
Asylstrasse 119 | 8032 Zürich
Location Zug
Riedpark | 6300 Zug